
Our smart and distinctive school uniform is worn by students in both the Junior and Senior schools. Sixth Form students do not have to wear uniform but follow a formal dress code.
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School uniform

In the Senior School, the girls wear a green and red tartan skirt, a white blouse, a red jumper with green stripes around the cuff and neck, and a red blazer with badge.

Please read our Years 7 – 11 uniform policy here.

In the Junior School, the girls wear the same as above but with bottle green tights and no blazer. In the summer, they switch to a red striped dress with white socks.

Our uniform is supplied by the UK’s leading uniform and sportswear supplier, Schoolblazer. You can access our dedicated Schoolblazer website by clicking here.

Sixth Form dress code

Students in the Sixth Form do not wear school uniform, but they do have a formal dress code to follow. They should wear clothes that are suitable for an interview or a situation where they are representing the school.

Key items include:

  • a tailored style jacket
  • a smart skirt or trousers
  • a shift dress or similar
  • sensible and appropriate footwear of neat appearance

Please read our Sixth Form dress code policy here.